British empiricism can be traced back to hume, locke, and bacon. 英国的经验论可追溯到休谟、洛克和培根。
Wang Xiaobo shows his pursuit of "passive freedom" and wisdom based on the mental analyses of British& American empiricism in his essays. 在王小波的杂文世界中所凸现的对“消极自由”的向往和智慧的追求,其底色是英美经验主义的理性思辩力。
Classical German philosophy is notable for its speculative and obscure nature in stark contrast with preceding British empiricism, continental rationalism and French materialism in the 18~ ( th) century. 德国古典哲学以其深刻的思辨和晦涩的语言而著称,与前此的英国经验论、大陆唯理论以及18世纪法国唯物主义哲学形成了鲜明的对照。
Locke followed the typical British empiricism and compromise tradition, whose idea had deep influence on human society. 古典自由主义法治的奠基人洛克承袭了典型的不列颠经验主义和妥协传统,其思想对人类的社会政治生活和思维方式产生了直接的无法估量的影响。
Based on the above illustration, the writer further conducts the brief introduction of philosophical basis, whichoriginates from British empiricism philosophy. 在此基础上,又进一步对判例法赖以形成的哲学基础,即发源于英国的经验主义哲学作了简要的介绍。
The Intrinsic Logic of British Empiricism from Its View on Substance 从英国经验论的实体观看其演变的内在逻辑
Longinus, the representative figures of British empiricism Bock noble in this category made more in-depth discussion. 在朗吉弩斯之后,英国的经验主义代表人物博克对崇高这一范畴作了更加深入的探讨。